Dr Daniel Pass has over a decade of experience running bioinformatic training courses with classes ranging from 70 students to small groups of 5-10, or one-on-one private tutoring. Whatever your needs we will be able to cater for you. See below for some example courses that we provide and to register interest. You can also get in touch to discuss bespoke options. Unless specified, all training is provided by Dr Pass.
Dr Daniel Pass runs in-person courses based in Cardiff, UK. Cardiff-based courses are currently being scheduled for 2022 and 2023. If you would be interested in being notified of upcoming courses please add your contact details below and your area of interest, or get in touch to discuss bespoke options.

Current in person courses (Cardiff, UK):
The Bioinformatician’s Toolbox
Our most popular course is an intensive five day delve into “The Bioinformatician’s Toolbox” which covers a wide range of fundamental Bioinformatics topics (NGS data handling and Quality Control, Genome Assembly/Annotation, Short-read mapping, & intro to RNAseq…). This gives a broad overview of bioinformatic concepts and hands-on skills from which you should feel confident to dive in further yourself for your own research.
Linux for Biologists
A short two day course Linux for Biologists. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to work and understand running command line software in the Linux environment and take control of NGS data, including the powerful abilities it has to assist your research. Being able to create and manipulate data this way will give you the skills required to take on much more complex bioinformatics and data analysis!
Practical Python Programming For Biologists
A short two day course Linux for Biologists. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to work and understand running command line software in the Linux environment and take control of NGS data, including the powerful abilities it has to assist your research. Being able to create and manipulate data this way will give you the skills required to take on much more complex bioinformatics and data analysis!
My Teaching style – Dr Daniel Pass
I like to teach by varying between the theoretical concepts and examples via practical skills, both of which are essential. Not understanding how the programs are working is a recipe for false results! Practically we will work by understanding the theory first and then small tasks and challenges to complete, followed up with perfect worked examples.
From experience, I find the challenge of constructing the commands yourselves first a much better strategy than courses which provide you with the full command list straight away. It is more challenging but on some other courses the only skills you practice is copy+paste! Experience has shown that hands on practical work means attendees retain the knowledge longer and are more confident applying the processes to their own research beyond the class.
I also like to allocate the final session of a course as a “bring your own data” time, where we can discuss the first steps of applying the skills you have learned with test data to your research and move from training to practice.

Daniel also regularly teaches online with Physalia Courses which provides a range of Bioinformatics training courses from a large number of specialists (You can see all of their courses here). If you are interested in online courses then you can book directly with them, or feel free to contact myself or them with any questions that you have!