At Compass Bioinformatics we have a range of experience across the field of bioinformatics and statistics. With 14 personal years of bioinformatic research experience in academic, public, and private sectors Dr Daniel Pass has a range of experience in a number of fields. Predominantly focused on integrating omic technologies to further understand genetic control, this integrated a wide range of RNAseq, DNA accessibility, CHIPseq, scRNAseq, and microbiomics, along with complex genome assembly using Illuimina, Oxford Nanopore, and Pacific Biosystems (PacBio) technologies.
Our proudest claim is our connection to the biology underlying the data analysis. Dr Pass and all partners come from a biological background and we take the time to understand your specific biological question and environment. We ensure that all results are communicated to you fully and comprehensively. A fundamental issue with large bioinformatic services (and one reason why I chose to start Compass Bioinformatics) was the poor data reporting being offered, and the frequent requests I receive from colleagues to explain or re-do analysis that they had paid thousands or tens of thousands (£, $, or €!) for.
Analysis and development projects are primarily performed by Dr Daniel Pass and when projects demand specialist bioinformaticians then be assured that the same level of overview, involvement and care is applied, where Dr Pass reviews all outputs from the invaluable expertise of our partners. There is huge variety across the spectrum of bioinformatic topics, and we do not naively claim that one person can cover all subjects! Together with trusted colleagues here at Compass Bioinformatics we are able to provide expert consultation for any topic, connecting word-class bioinformaticians in diverse fields.
A limited selection of services we can provide. Please contact us if you have a query that is not listed.
- RNAseq & single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq)
- Microbial community analysis (Amplicon/16S rRNA/ITS etc.)
- Metagenomics (MAGs assembly, quantification, annotation)
- CHiPseq & genome accessibility (ATAC, MNase/DNaseSeq)
- Bacterial/Complex Genome Assembly
- Pipeline development (including Nextflow/Snakemake)
- Website design & Development
- Protein modelling
- Machine Learning
- Database design & implementation
Analysis and Development is typically costed daily and can be flexible to your requirements or as projects develop however, project-level costing and approximate quotes are available on request.